"My soul yearns, even faints, for the courts of the Lord; my heart and my flesh cry out for the living God."

Psalm 84:2

In this first week we've discovered the many aspects of the principle "Begin In God's Presence." This is the foundation for all of life and for every movement that has been formed on the earth in all of history. This principle drives and fuels every heart that seeks the Lord and seeks to serve the Lord. This is the principle that powers prayer. We, as children of God, can boldly come before the throne of grace and ask whatever we will in the name of Jesus and we can confidently know that our prayers have been heard. We can get to know our heavenly Father through His Word and through His still, small voice. Take some time to pause and listen to Him. Ask Him to draw near today.

Disciple's Prayer:

"Father, more and more and more be my all today and tomorrow and all my days to come. Be my everything, be my always, be my forever, be my love, be my hope, be my joy."

Unreached of the Day Prayer:

"Father, I lift up the Yutian Uygur peoples of China to You. God, I do not know these people but You do. You see each one. You know each heart. You see their eternal worth because You Yourself formed them in their mother's wombs. Allow Your favor and grace to fall on each of these people today. Shine Your bright light through Your children among them today. As they wait in expectation on You, empower them to be Your witnesses among the Yutian Uygur today. Multiply many disciples and fellowships that model Your life in Your Kingdom consistently for Your glory. Amen!"

Pray for the 110 City of HOHHOT, China today.

Unreached People Group Focus Today:

Friday - Yutian Uygur Saturday -Khalka Mongol

Listen to the companion Podcast now available on AnchorSpotifyApple, and Google.


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