
Week 3

I am Praying
3 Praying
Abide & Bear Fruit

Pray that every disciple and leader in movements would remain rooted in abiding with Jesus. Ask that ministry activities not distract from this.


“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” — JOHN 15:5

Devotional for Sunday/Monday or Companion Podcast available on Anchor, Spotify, Apple, and Google.

UNREACHED PEOPLE FOCUS: Sunday - Xijima Monday - Mulao Jia


Contain and Restrain: Sovereign God, impart godly wisdom and discernment to Israel’s leaders as well as Jewish leaders around the world as You contain and restrain antisemitism, evil and regional conflicts, so that they do not escalate into a premature World War 3 hindering the Great Harvest. Daniel 2:20-21

GLOBAL CITY FOCUS (1): KUNMING, China - Pray for the advancement of God's Kingdom throughout the UUPGs of this city.


You Bring Us Through: Jesus, Our Deliverer, despite the crisis situation, You faithfully bring us through to a place of abundance; multiply disciples who become effective disciple makers despite the challenges. Psalm 66:10-12 

21 Days of Prayer for the Buddhist World

Global Day of Prayer for the Buddhist World (Jan. 28-29)

Portuguese - Spanish - Urdu - German - Bahasa


Devotion: Crucified with Christ

Podcast: Week 3 Day 2

GLOBAL CITY FOCUS (1): KUNMING, China - Pray for the training and encouragement of the next generation of church leaders, as youth are handed leadership of the church. Pray for their courage, wisdom, faith, and supernatural protection.

Unreached People Group: Yangliu Lalu


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Devotion: He Chose You

Podcast: Week 3 Day 3

GLOBAL CITY FOCUS (2): WUHAN, China: Pray for the advancement of God's Kingdom throughout the 5 languages of this city, particularly among the Chinese UUPGs listed above.

Unreached People Group: Southern Muji

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Devotion: Walk Worthy

Podcast: Week 3 Day 4

GLOBAL CITY FOCUS (2): WUHAN, China: Pray for leaders as they train the next generation of church planters and risk their lives in doing so. Pray for their courage, faith, wisdom, and supernatural protection.

Unreached People Group: Younuo

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Devotion: Against Such Things

Podcast: Week 3 Day 5

GLOBAL CITY FOCUS (2): WUHAN, China: Pray for a mighty movement of prayer to be birthed in Wuhan that multiplies throughout the country.

Unreached People Group: Friday - Baishi Miao Saturday - Northwestern Guiyang Miao

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