
Week 13

I am Praying
5 Praying
Pray Laborers into the Harvest

Ask the Lord of the Harvest to send trained laborers into unengaged unreached areas. Pray for Him to raise up harvesters such as the Samaritan woman, Cornelius and Lydia. Pray for Him to stir the hearts of near-neighbor disciples to reach out.


“Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” — MATTHEW 9:38 &
“He told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”
LUKE 10:2

Devotional for Sunday/Monday or Companion Podcast available on Anchor, Spotify, Apple, and Google.

UNREACHED PEOPLE FOCUS: SundayDeaf in Iran MondayPishagchi


Just Leaders Free from Corruption: Righteous and Holy Father God, cause Israel’s leaders to be just, to give their country stability, and to be free from corruption. Proverbs 29:4

GLOBAL CITY FOCUS (1): KARAJ, Iran - Pray for the advancement of God's Kingdom throughout the 32 languages of this city, especially among the Turkmen, Mazanderani, and Persian people groups languages.

PRAYER REQUEST FROM LABORERS IN IRAN: (1) We lift up Karaj, Iran’s industrial areas, bless the sub burbs where many powerful families live. Let them all come to Christ together.


Through Faith Conquer: Precious Savior, Jesus, I look to You to give our suffering sisters and brothers the faith to overcome difficulties of all kinds as You empower them, whether by life or by death, to glorify You. Hebrews 11:32-38

Portuguese - Spanish - Urdu - German - Farsi


Devotion: Burning Fire – Jer. 20:9

Podcast: Week 13 Day 2

GLOBAL CITY FOCUS (1): KARAJ, Iran - Pray for a mighty movement of prayer to be birthed in Karaj that multiplies throughout the country.

Unreached People Group: Punjabi in Iran

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Devotion: But to Serve – Mark 10:45

Podcast: Week 13 Day 3

GLOBAL CITY FOCUS (2): ALGIERS Algeria - Pray for the New Testament translation in the Chenua language.

Unreached People Group: Ilsavan in Iran


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Devotion: What is Right – Acts 4:19-20

Podcast: Week 13 Day 4

GLOBAL CITY FOCUS (2): ALGIERS Algeria - Pray for leadership schools to be established that enable new believers to grow in their faith and boldness.

Unreached People Group: Balkan Romani in Algeria

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Devotion: Proclaimed Throughout – Matt. 24:14

Podcast: Week 13 Day 5

GLOBAL CITY FOCUS (2): ALGIERS Algeria - Pray for the Kingdom of God to come through dreams and visions, freeing those trapped in darkness to see the Light of the World

Unreached People Group: Friday - Chinese in Algeria SaturdayAlgerian, Arabic-speaking


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