
Week 12

I am Praying
4 Praying
Go Out Two by Two

Pray there will be no “lone rangers” in movements. Ask for disciples to walk in unity and humility as they work together to bring the Kingdom to new peoples and places.


"Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.” —ECC 4:9-10

Devotional for Sunday/Monday or Companion Podcast available on Anchor, Spotify, Apple, and Google.

UNREACHED PEOPLE FOCUS: Sunday -Persian Monday - Uyghur in Iran


Jesus Followers Walking Worthy: Lord Jesus Christ, fill Jesus followers with God’s will, wisdom and understanding to live lives worthy of Him and to bear fruit in every good work. Colossians 2:6-7

GLOBAL CITY FOCUS (1): TEHRAN, Iran - Pray for strength and boldness in the launching of God-glorifying house churches in the Gilaki, Mazanderani, and Persian UUPGs

PRAYER REQUEST FROM LABORERS IN IRAN: (1) Pray for Tehran the seat of power: Ask God to replace the current government with Godly people. (2) Ask God to embolden the Christians of Ahvaz so they share the love of Christ with their neighbors, colleagues, friends, and family.


Rest from Burdens: As our sisters and brothers take Your yoke upon them, Jesus, we ask that they receive from You rest from their weariness and refreshment which enables them to carry out Your good and perfect will in the middle of trials of all kinds. Matthew 11:28-30 

Portuguese - Spanish - Urdu - German - Farsi


Devotion: Sent Them– Luke 10:1

Podcast: Week 12 Day 2

GLOBAL CITY FOCUS (1): TEHRAN, Iran -Pray that believers in government, business, education, and the arts would have influence for the gospel.

Unreached People Group: Turk in Iran

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Devotion: Continue Steadfast– Acts 2:46

Podcast: Week 12 Day 3

GLOBAL CITY FOCUS (2): AHVAZ, Iran - Pray for the advancement of God's Kingdom throughout the 6 languages of this city, particularly among the Iraqi Arabs, Lakis, and Bakhtiaris.

Unreached People Group: Muslim Urdu in Iran

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Devotion: Two Agree– Matthew 18:19

Podcast: Week 12 Day 4

GLOBAL CITY FOCUS (2): AHVAZ, Iran - Pray for followers of Jesus to walk in the power of the Spirit.

Unreached People Group: Mandaean


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Devotion: Gathered Together– John 17:20-21

Podcast: Week 12 Day 5

GLOBAL CITY FOCUS (2): AHVAZ , Iran - Pray for a resurrection of God's divine purpose for this city.

Unreached People Group: FridayIranian Romani SaturdayIranian Arab

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