"Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you."

Matthew 7:7

Today's verse can be interpreted in many ways and has been, but the thing that most stands out is that Jesus is saying to always continue, He is saying to press forward unrelentingly. Jesus is calling His followers to be a people who do not give in or give up. All of the commands in today's verse are action words: ask, seek, and knock. They require time, commitment, energy, and yes, even all of us to pursue. Ask God to show you how to pray for open doors as you go about all that He has called you to today. Keep on with stubborn perseverance to find and walk through those open doors.

Disciple's Prayer for Today:

"Father, I so desperately need You. I need Your love and Your life. I need more and more of Jesus in my life. Today open the doors of my heart to allow more of You to flow in. Open doors for me to share the gospel. Show me how to be a relentless follower of Jesus today. I ask for that passion to know You; be my One Thing. Open doors wide and help me pursue Your Kingdom coming and Your will being done among every people and in every place. Amen.”

Prayer for the Unreached of the Day:

"Father, I stand in the gap for the Mandaean in Iraq. Jesus, You are the great intercessor for all of mankind and You stand continually before the Father to make intercession for us. So today, Jesus, I am asking you to intercede for the salvation of the Mandaean in Iraq peoples. Raise up many laborers to go out among these peoples and plant churches that would multiply. Open many doors and subdue every adversary, for Your Name and Your fame. Amen."

Listen to the companion Podcast now available on Anchor, Spotify, Apple, and Google.

110 City Focus Today: BASRA, Iraq - Pray for a mighty movement of prayer to be birthed in Basra that multiplies throughout the country.

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