"But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one."
Thessalonians 3:3
Today's verse speaks of the faithfulness of God in strengthening us and protecting us from the evil one. God is a good Father full of light and love. Fathers are fiercely protective over their children and God is no different with His kids. Today meditate on the faithfulness of God to protect and care for you as His child in His kingdom as you go about your day today. Ask God to fill you with awe and a deep understanding of His faithfulness as a Father. Ask God to show you and open your eyes wide to all the ways that He both strengthens you and protects you in your daily life. Ask God to strengthen and protect all those you are working with, your family, and those you are sent out to bring into His kingdom. Ask the Holy Spirit to teach you how you are to participate in fighting the good fight of Spiritual Warfare in your daily life.
Disciple's Prayer for Today:
"Father, fill me with your Holy Spirit. I thank You that You fight for me and with me in the spiritual battle. Your Word tells me that Jesus, You ever live to make intercession for me. Teach me how to participate in spiritual warfare with You. Jesus, I want to do battle as you did battle with the enemy. I want to store up in myself your Word and learn to use it to stand firm in the day I'm attacked. Thank you, Father, for your faithfulness to protect me.”
Prayer for the Unreached of the Day:
"Father, shine the light of salvation in the hearts of the Bedouin, Sanusi in Libya. Raise up men and women to go and work amongst these people that You love. Break down every wall and remove every hindrance that binds the hearts and minds of these people. Have Your way among them. Let Your will be done and Your Kingdom fully come among them so that Jesus receives the full reward of His sufferings. Be glorified among all the Bedouin, Sanusi in Libya today!”
Listen to the companion Podcast now available on Anchor, Spotify, Apple, and Google.
GLOBAL CITY FOCUS (1): TRIPOLI Libya - Pray for thousands of Christ-exalting, multiplying house churches in the 27 languages spoken in this city.